Source code for

import re
import arff
import numpy as np
import sklearn.model_selection
import sklearn.preprocessing

[docs]def minmax_scale(data, axis=0): """Transforms features by scaling `data` along `axis` between 0-1. Args: data (`np.ndarray`): The data to scale. axis (int): The axis to scale along. Returns: (`np.ndarray`): The scaled data. """ return (data - np.nanmin(data, axis=axis)) / ( np.nanmax(data, axis=axis) - np.nanmin(data, axis=axis))
[docs]def shuffle(features, labels): if features.shape[0] != labels.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Features {} and labels {} must have the same number of rows". format(features.shape, labels.shape)) permutation = np.random.permutation(features.shape[0]) return features[permutation], labels[permutation]
[docs]def k_fold(data, n_splits, shuffle=False): return sklearn.model_selection.KFold(n_splits, shuffle=shuffle).split(data)
def _split(data, index): return data[:, :index], data[:, index:] # def split(data, percent_chunks, axis=0): # if data.ndim != 2: # raise ValueError("data to split must be a 2D numpy array") # splits = np.cumsum(percent_chunks) # if splits[-1] == 100: # splits = np.divide(splits, 100.) # if splits[-1] != 1.: # raise ValueError("Percents must sum to 1.0 or 100") # # np.random.shuffle(data) # return np.split(data, splits[:-1] * data.shape[1], axis)
[docs]def split(features, labels, percent): percent = float(percent) if not 0 < percent < 1: raise ValueError("percent must be in range: 0-1") index = int(percent * features.shape[0]) return features[:index], features[index:], labels[:index], labels[index:]
# HACK: arff.load only accepts an open file descriptor # and BYU CS uses a custom arff format def _fix_attribute_types(f): # TODO: do not load entire contents of file into RAM at once s = s = re.sub(r'continuous', 'real', s, flags=re.IGNORECASE) f.write(s) f.truncate() # TODO: do we need this function as well? def _find_nominal_index(data): return [ i for i, (_, kind) in enumerate(data) if kind not in ['REAL', 'INTEGER', 'NUMERIC', 'STRING'] ]
[docs]def get_continuous_index(attributes): return np.array([x[1] == 'REAL' for x in attributes])
[docs]def get_nominal_index(attributes): return np.array([x[1] != 'REAL' for x in attributes])
def _one_hot(data, index): encoder = sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder( categorical_features=index, sparse=False, handle_unknown='ignore') # TODO: How to not screw up the index? Use encoder.feature_indices_? return encoder.fit_transform(data)
[docs]def load(file_path, label_size=0, encode_nominal=True, one_hot_data=False, one_hot_targets=False, imputer=None, normalizer=None, shuffle=False): """Load an ARFF file. Args: file_path (str): The path of the ARFF formatted file to load. label_size (int, optional): The number of labels (outputs) the dataset to load has. encode_nominal (bool, optional): Whether or not to encode nominal atributes as integers. one_hot_data (bool, optional): Whether or not to use a one-hot encoder for nominal attributes in `data`. Defaults to whatever the value of `encode_nominal` is. one_hot_targets (bool, optional): Whether or not to use a one-hot encoder for nominal attributes in `targets`. imputer (function, optional): A 1 arity function that accepts the dataset to impute missing values over. e.g: `sklearn.preprocessing.Imputer().fit_transform`. Defaults to `None`. normalizer (function, optional): A 1 arity function that accepts the data to be scaled as a parameter and returns the scaled data. e.g: `lathe.minmax_scale`. Defaults to `None`. shuffle (bool, optional): Whether or not to shuffle the `data`. Returns: (list, `numpy.ndarray`, `numpy.ndarray`): Tuple containing (`attributes`, `data`, `targets`). Where `attributes` is a list of tuples containing (attribute_name, attribute_type), `data` are the features and `targets` are the expected output for the dataset. Note: `targets` will be `None` unless `label_size` >= 1. See Also: - - - """ if label_size < 0: raise ValueError('label_size must be >= 0') if label_size == 0 and one_hot_targets: raise ValueError('label_size must be > 0 if one_hot_targets == True') if one_hot_data is None: one_hot_data = encode_nominal with open(file_path, 'r+') as f: try: arff_data = arff.load(f, encode_nominal=encode_nominal) except arff.BadAttributeType: _fix_attribute_types(f) arff_data = arff.load(f, encode_nominal=encode_nominal) dtype = np.float if encode_nominal else None data = np.atleast_2d(np.array(arff_data['data'], dtype=dtype)) if not encode_nominal: data = np.where(data == np.array(None), np.nan, data) if imputer: data = imputer(data) if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(data) index = -label_size if label_size else None attributes = arff_data['attributes'] if normalizer: cont_index = get_continuous_index(attributes) data[:, cont_index] = normalizer(data[:, cont_index]) targets = None if label_size != 0: data, targets = _split(data, index) # have to do this twice because sklearn screws with the indices if one_hot_data: data_index = _find_nominal_index(attributes[:index]) data = _one_hot(data, data_index) if one_hot_targets: target_index = _find_nominal_index(attributes[index:]) targets = _one_hot(targets, target_index) return attributes, data, targets